31st Congress of Nordic Historians

Det 31. Nordiske Historikermøde

Den 13.-15. august 2025 afholdes det 31. Nordiske Historikermøde på Islands Universitet i Reykjavik.

The 31st Congress of Nordic Historians will be held at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík, August 13-15, 2025.

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Reykjavík, Iceland
August 13 - 15, 2025


Greetings from the scientific committee

We hope everyone had a nice summer! The scientific committee has enjoyed looking at the numerous proposals for panels, roundtables and single papers and it is safe to say that we will hear about many exciting projects in Iceland next year.

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NHM 2025

Velkommen / Welcome


Den 13.-15. august 2025 afholdes det 31. Nordiske Historikermøde på Islands Universitet i Reykjavik. Det Nordiske Historikermøde er et vigtigt mødested for historikere og alle dem som arbejder med historie i området. Mødet er en enestående mulighed for at udforske både fagets nyudviklinger samt utallige potentialer for både forskning og formidling indenfor nordisk historie.

Konferencens tema er GRÆNSER og lægger vægt på at undersøge dynamiske processer, både igennem historien og inden for historiefagets udvikling.

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The 31st Congress of Nordic Historians will be held at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík, August 13-15, 2025. The Congress of Nordic Historians is an important meeting place for historians and all those who work with history in the Nordic region. It provides a unique opportunity for historians to explore both new developments in the field and develop possibilities for research and outreach.

The theme of the conference is BOUNDARIES and emphasizes the examination of dynamic processes, both throughout historical time periods and within the development of the subject of history.

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NHM 2025

Om Nordiske Historikermode​

Der har været afholdt nordiske historikermøder siden 1905. Formålet med møderne er at give historikere mulighed for at mødes med fagfæller på tværs af de nordiske lande med henblik på vidensudveksling, netværksdannelse og gensidig inspiration.

NHM 2025

Important dates

December 2023


Abstract submission opens

December 2023



Abstract submission closes




Abstracts acceptance




Registration opens


13 - 15 August 2025

NHM 2025

Det 31. Nordiske Historikermøde

13 - 15 August 2025

Welcome to NHM 2025

We look forward to seeing you in Reykjavik on 13 - 15 August 2025

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